Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Makam Rasulullah Bakal Dimusnahkan

Oleh Editorial September 2, 2014 : 11:34 pm
makam rasulullah
Arab Saudi – Hanya disebabkan tindakan sesetengah individu yang melakukan perbuatan bertentangan dengan ajaran agama, satu cadangan telah dikemukakan kepada kerajaan Arab Saudi untuk merobohkan makam junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW yang merupakan antara tempat paling dihormati oleh maysarakat Islam.

Melalui cadangan tersebut makam tersebut bakal dirobohkan manakala jasad baginda akan dipindahkan ke sebuah kubur tanpa nama (yang akan dirahsiakan)

Menurut laporan portal The Independent cadangan tersebut merupakan sebahagian daripada dokumen berhalaman 61 muka surat, yang dikemukakan oleh para akademik terkenal negara tersebut.

Kajian akademik tersebut telah mengemukakan cadangan itu sebagai sebahagian daripada dokumen perundingan yang telah diedarkan di kalangan penyelia Masjid Nabawi, Madinah, di mana terletaknya makam Nabi yang dikunjungi berjuta-juta jemaah haji dan dianggap sebagai tapak kedua paling suci bagi umat Islam.

Ulama Arab Saudi yang dilihat kuat berpegang kepada fahaman Wahabi, sebelum ini telah melarang keras sebarang bentuk pemujaan, penyembahan ‘berhala’ atau apa-apa objek yang dianggap sebagai amalan ‘syirik’ dan melanggar hukum syarak.

Beberapa halaman dokumen perundingan yang baru sahaja diterbitkan menggesa kemusnahan bilik serta kawasan sekitar kubur – yang pernah digunakan oleh ahli keluarga dan sahabat Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Sementara itu Pengarah Yayasan Penyelidikan Warisan Islam, Dr. Irfan al-Alawi melahirkan rasa kesal atas cadangan tersebut.

Orang ramai yang menziarahi masjid Nabi untuk melihat kawasan rumah baginda dikatakan telah berpaling ke kawasan makam untuk bersolat (menjadikan makam sebagai kiblat).
“Disebabkan mahu menghalang perbuataan (syirik) itu mereka mencadangkan untuk memindahkan jasad baginda” ujarnya.

Dr. Irfan menjangkakan, cadangan tersebut bakal menimbulkan kemarahan masyarakat di seluruh dunia.

“Saya pasti seluruh dunia Islam akan terkejut terhadap perkara ini dan ia akan menyebabkan kemarahan,” jelasnya.

Sehingga kini, tiada sebarang keputusan yang diambil berhubung cadangan tersebut.

Ketika ini Masjid Nabawi boleh menampung 800,000 jemaah pada satu-satu masa. Manakala pada tahun depan, ia dijangka bakal mencecah sehingga 1.2 juta jemaah ekoran pembangunan yang terangkum melibatkan Madinah dan Mekah dengan kos sebanyak SR300 bilion.

Perluasan masjid ini semasa era Raja-raja Saudi kedua bermula 1994 merupakan yang terbesar. Pada perluasan pertama 1950-an, masjid dapat menampung 28,000 jemaah tetapi pada 1990-an dengan ditambah ruang-ruang halaman, kapasiti jemaah mencapai angka sedia ada.

Selain Raudhah dan Makam Nabi, mimbar dan mihrab dalam bahagian masjid ini ada kisah menariknya. Pada mulanya atap masjid Rasulullah ini dipasang pada batang kurma (maksudnya batang tersebut menjadi tiang penyangga). Maka Nabi apabila berkhutbah, baginda berdiri dekat batang tersebut dengan terkadang berdiri cukup lama. Lalu, seorang wanita Ansar menyapa: “Wahai Rasulullah, bolehkah kami membuatkan mimbar untukmu. Rasulullah menyetujuinya.

Kemudian para sahabat membuatkan mimbar untuk baginda. Tiga anak tangga dibuat dari pohon thurfa’. Pada Jumaat berikutnya, beliau berkhutbah di atas mimbar, maka batang kurma tersebut menangis – berteriak seperti rengekan bayi.

Kemudian Nabi turun dan memegang pohon tersebut. Pohon itu teresak-esak seperti bayi yang didiamkan.

Rasulullah bersabda: “Pohon itu menangis kerana tidak lagi mendengar zikir yang biasa didengarnya.”

Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah, sabda Nabi: “Di antara rumah dan mimbarku adalah salah satu taman syurga. Dan mimbarku ini ada di atas telagaku.” ­

Look like from Hyde Park - speaker's corner.

Siapa Nabi Muhammad Sebenarnya? (Vid dalam Inggeris / Vid in English)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Jalan utama saya dulu ke pusat bandar.

Bomba jelaskan rasional guna pita pelekat di rekahan jalan

Published on 2 Jul 2014 | Keretakan di Jalan Imbi, ibu negara akibat runtuhan terowong dan paip air sejak petang Selasa lalu kini dijadikan bahan untuk berjenaka oleh warga internet.

Mereka mula menyebar gambar diubahsuai -- antaranya dengan tambahan gambar raksasa., ultraman, king kong dan juga binatang seperti badak, ayam dan sebagainya.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

20 Signs You’re Succeeding In Life Even If You Don’t Feel You Are

We all feel like failures from time to time. While this is a normal feeling, you have to find a way to see yourself and your life from a different perspective. Sometimes we ignore the “little things.” Just because you are not a millionaire, don’t live in a mansion, and you don’t drive a fancy car, that doesn’t mean you’re a failure. In fact, it’s quite the contrary.
Here are 20 signs that you are succeeding in life:

1. Your relationships are less dramatic than they used to be.

Drama is not maturity. As we age, we should develop maturity. So maybe your relationships were drama-filled in your past, but if you have moved beyond that, then you are successful.

2. You are not afraid to ask for help and support any more.

Asking for help does not equal weakness. In fact, it is a strength. No person has ever succeeded in isolation. It takes teamwork to accomplish goals. Asking or help is a sign that you have grown as a person.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Stop The Jews From Rebuilding The Temple!

Orthodox's Monk viewpoint - Brother Nathanael  
[Not (necessarily) the opinion of the blogger]

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Stalin Demonised For Rejecting The US$ Reserve Currency -

Published on 30 May 2014 : 108morris108 : If Stalin had accepted the Bretton Woods agreement making the US$ the worlds reserve currency maybe he would not be somuch the devil that we have been taught he was.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Fluoride in Tap Water

Professional Perspectives:

Uploaded on 15 Jan 2008 | Part of a new series of "Professional Perspectives" on Fluoride. In this short video, Dr. Bill Osmunson -- a general and cosmetic dentist -- explains why he is now concerned about fluoride and water fluoridation. To learn more about Dr. Osmunson's practice, see: http://www.smilesofbellevue.com

To sign the Professionals Statement Calling for an End to Fluoridation, see: http://professional.fluoridealert.org

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Most-Fuel Efficient Car in the World

2014 Volkswagen XL1 Walkaround Video Review @ LA Auto Show

Published on 9 Jan 2014 | http://www.autobytel.com Volkswagen recently offered us the opportunity to test drive the world's most fuel efficient production vehicle, the 2014 XL1, after the LA Auto Show where we took the opportunity to have Volkswagen Technical Developer Christian Kolano to give us an in depth look at the limited production 283 MPG two seater from the future. The 2014 Volkswagen XL1 is powered by a turbo diesel two cylinder combined with an electric motor and a 7 speed dual clutch automatic mounted behind the passenger compartment. Much of the XL1's key to fuel efficiency lies in the sleek narrow body made from lightweight aerodynamic components like carbon fiber, aluminum and plastic. If the XL1 happens to sound like something you might be interested in, you will be hard pressed to hear that VW only plans on producing 250 examples priced at around $120,000 each; and will only be available in Europe.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Apa itu Ujian PISA?

Published on 3 Mar 2014 | Video penerangan mengenai apa itu Ujian PISA. Semoga bermanfaat.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

15 Big Movies Banned in Malaysia

Formed in 1954, the purview of the Film Censorship Board is to check and censor films to ensure that they meet the requirements of the Cinematograph Films Act 1952 before they are allowed to be screened in Malaysian cinemas. Currently housed under the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Board continues to perform its duty based on three guidelines; the Film Censorship Act 2002, The Censorship Guidelines and The Specific Guidelines Censorship are used as the yardstick to determine whether a film is fit to be seen by the general populace of Malaysia.

With Gareth Evans' "The Raid 2: Berandal" and Darren Aronofsky's "Noah" being the latest pictures to have been stamped with the seal of rejection from ever being shown in Malaysian cinemas, we look at 15 of the major movies out of the estimated 119 films that had been slammed by the ban hammer of the Board for the sake of protecting Malaysians from harmful content.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

10 Unsolved Mysteries Of The Brain

Published on 7 Mar 2014 | Do you have any idea what exactly goes on in our little gray cells? No, us neither. We countdown the ten most mysterious puzzles of the mind.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Buying America! a devilish enterprise?

Inside the Secret Wall Street Society of the 1%

Published on 3 Mar 2014 | Kevin Roose talks about sneaking into a secret wall street society initiation and what he learned from the experience

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Where are they leading us to?

The negotiations over Iran's nuclear energy program and the possibility of reaching a concrete agreement to insure that Iran does not someday decide to build a nuclear weapon was doomed from the start because it was based on a completely false pretense. Iran is not building a nuclear weapon. It has not even made a decision to seek such technology, and the CIA and Mossad have both made public statements confirming this. The talks pretended to address an accusation that the United States and its allies know full well is a lie, and if the negotiations had resulted in an actual agreement NATO powers would have lost their main line of rationalization for their incessant saber rattling with Iran. They weren't about to let that happen, but they had to maintain appearances. After all the U.S. couldn't be seen as rejecting a reasonable deal that actually made their military options impossible to whitewash.
So the deal had to be scuttled, but in such a way that didn't draw too much attention to the culprits. As is becoming a pattern in this game France played a key support role by taking a hardline approach and reportedly rejecting a proposal that the other Western powers had placed on the table. This while the U.S. congress muddied the waters even more by proposing new, tougher sanctions on Iran while the negotiations were still in progress. The Obama administration made public statements condemning the move by congress saying that it would lead to war with Iran, but this was just an example of the good cop bad cop technique. The damage was done while still allowing the White House to come off as reasonable. Make no mistake though, those who control Obama want war with Iran. They don't want a political solution.

more here>>

Monday, February 10, 2014

Drug Hub: UN report on Israel's star role in narcotics trade

Published on 9 Feb 2014 | Trillions spent, thousands dead but the global war on drugs is turning into an even steeper uphill battle. The UN says almost 300 million people around the world are addicted to illegal substances and that the global trafficking network is growing. RT's Paula Slier reports now on how Israel, has unexpectedly become a major hub for the drug trade.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Eat well -- feel good

Published on Jan 30, 2014 | In its fight against obesity among school children, the European Commission launched a proposal on Thursday to strengthen the declining consumption of fruit and milk among young people.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

DeMockracy is a Farce?

Syrian Girl - Our Figureheads of Democracy are just that - they are not really Presidents and Prime Ministers - while Syria has similarities - it is not as bad. We also learn the difference between a Democracy and a Republic.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Camel and the Arab

One day, an Arab and his camel were crossing the desert. Night came and the temperature became colder. The Arab put up his tent and tied the camel to it, then went to sleep.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A world empire by other means

IT IS everywhere. Some 380m people speak it as their first language and perhaps two-thirds as many again as their second. A billion are learning it, about a third of the world's population are in some sense exposed to it and by 2050, it is predicted, half the world will be more or less proficient in it. It is the language of globalisation—of international business, politics and diplomacy. It is the language of computers and the Internet. You'll see it on posters in Côte d'Ivoire, you'll hear it in pop songs in Tokyo, you'll read it in official documents in Phnom Penh. Deutsche Welle broadcasts in it. Bjork, an Icelander, sings in it. French business schools teach in it. It is the medium of expression in cabinet meetings in Bolivia. Truly, the tongue spoken back in the 1300s only by the “low people” of England, as Robert of Gloucester put it at the time, has come a long way. It is now the global language.
How come? Not because English is easy. True, genders are simple, since English relies on “it” as the pronoun for all inanimate nouns, reserving masculine for bona fide males and feminine for females (and countries and ships). But the verbs tend to be irregular, the grammar bizarre and the match between spelling and pronunciation a nightmare. English is now so widely spoken in so many places that umpteen versions have evolved, some so peculiar that even “native” speakers may have trouble understanding each other. But if only one version existed, that would present difficulties enough. Even everyday English is a language of subtlety, nuance and complexity. John Simmons, a language consultant for Interbrand, likes to cite the word “set”, an apparently simple word that takes on different meanings in a sporting, cooking, social or mathematical context—and that is before any little words are combined with it. Then, as a verb, it becomes “set aside”, “set up”, “set down”, “set in”, “set on”, “set about”, “set against” and so on, terms that “leave even native speakers bewildered about [its] core meaning.

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