Rosmah ad placed on govt’s behalf
11 May 10 : 8.00AM | By Koh Lay Chin -
PETALING JAYA, 11 May 2010: A recent two-page spread in the New York Times, costing thousands of US dollars and featuring the prime minister's wife, was placed on behalf of the Malaysian government.
In an e-mail response to questions from The Nut Graph, the New York Times said: "The advertisement was placed by an ad agency on behalf of the Malaysian government."
The response from New York Times executive director of community affairs and media relations, Diane McNulty, reveals that the ad was not placed by private individuals, as suggested by the last line in the ad's congratulatory message.
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November 14, 2009 — Advance PR Counseling programme organize by Student Master of Corporate Communication Universiti Putra Malaysia Serdang 09/10 - a bit over!